Tuesday 17 January 2017

Bon voyage!

Her fingers trembled as she pasted the last picture in the diary which has been her constant companion throughout all her journeys.

As a child she used to eagerly wait for the bed time story sessions with her grandpa. She owned a little notebook where she would write about going to a wonder land like alice , walking through the woods and finding porridge like Goldilocks or finding a house made of bread , chocolates and cream like hanzel and gratel.
She would walk around the park to find a rabbit hole where she could just fall , land into another world and see new places. One day while searching for the rabbit hole down the lane she was interuptted by a husky voice "Hey! Seems you droped something may I help you to find it if you dont mind? " , " Im searching for a rabbit hole will you help me find one?" replied the little girl casually . 'But why do you want  to find a rabbit hole?' Inquired the man puzzled by the little one's reply. 'Because there is so much to see and explore in the wonderland where alice went'. 'Can you spare a little time I want to show you something and I promise you will love it' said the man wanting to hear more from her .
He opened his backpack and took out his diary as they both sat on a bench in the park. The diary was a compendium of his explorations . It had pictures of all the places he visited which was enough to amaze the 7 Year old who dreamt of nothing but traveling the whole world. She handed her little notebook to him and told him everything she wanted to do in her life,she explained her drawings and whatever she had scribbled in the notebook to him. He could relate and connect to everything she said. First time ever the incorrectly spelled ,obscure words and sentences made a lot more sense .
He took out another diary from his bag and gave it to her ,she hurridly flipped through the pages expecting to see a lot more pictures but this time the blank pages disappointed her. ' When you find the rabbit hole or the way to the bear's house like Goldilocks , capture the moment and collect them in this diary for me and when you are done filling this diary with your memories send it to me to the address that im writing in the last page of this diary, wont you do this for me ?" said the man to which she happily agreed as she finally found someone who believed her and inspired her showing there is a beautiful world around to travel and explore.

Years later, when she wrote "Bon voyage !" on the front page of the diary and posted it to the address given , she was contented bidding adieu to her companion.

'Merci' said the old traveler looking at the dairy, strenously turning the pages he took pride in her delightful journeys. Parkinsons disease they named the impediment which ceased his dreams. It had been 10 Years since he has not been in his travel boots , but today traveling through the pages of the diary he built a realm of memories where he could lustfully wander for a lifetime.

Sunday 1 January 2017

Brightest ...

That's me :)

My days are spent in reverie and nights by overthinking. Im obsessed with my space and alone time, so my favourite place in this world is the little corner of my bed . 
Nature , any form of art, gazing the night sky and stories nourish my soul. I am talkative but ephemeral episodes of silence are imperative. I like imagining things so rather seeing a movie i like listening to a story or reading a book .My soul is intertwined with peotic chaos of my life. I love observing people and listening to them. Little things make me happy and i believe in spreading smile. Keep living , keep loving! Cheers to life :)

ps: So now that you know what i am , I must tell you Sloka Nair is my pen name :)